Join the IGA
IGA Membership Industry Partner
Thank you for becoming a part of the Independent Glass Association community. To complete the process, please fill out the form below.
There are three (3) Industry Partner levels to choose from:
- Logo/link on IGA website,
- Logo/link on IGA Facebook Page,
- Logo/link on IGA LinkedIn Page,
- Logo/link on GlassPartMatch header,
- Logo/link in all IGA email campaigns.
- All Industry Partner benefits plus,
- Logo in the Shatterproof Podcast,
- Shatterproof Podcast tag and mention,
- New Member Leads,
- Full membership list 1 time per year.
- All Industry Partner Plus benefits plus,
- Premium login placement on GlassPartMatch,
- Logo/link in part match lookups,
- Placement in all IGA materials for educational series, conferences, etc.
Once you submit the form, it may take 24-72 hours to process your membership application.